Privacy Policy is a WordPress theme comparison website that collects the following details of the users in a log file:

  • Browser version, name, etc.
  • Visiting time.
  • IP Address.
  • Device name.
  • Operating system.

Well, we don't users to enter the email address or any other details in any other page excluding the contact us form. The log file is saved on the server. For the security of the users, we use SSL encryption on our site. SSL ensures that the interaction between the user and server takes place over a secure channel.

About the third party services we use on this site

FB Comments: This service allows visitors to comment on the pages of the site. It is secure and requires a Facebook account. Most internet users have an account with Faebook

Google Analytics: We use GA data to improve the site and user experience. Google Analytics gives us more information on the user than the raw access logs. We use this information to improve our site and provide better experience to the users.

Affiliate programs: is monetized with several affiliate programs. We consider these programs as our advertisers. To track clicks, the advertisers may save a cookie on your PC.

The above mentioned services are safe.

That's it! If you're any questions, write to us.